Donate Today

Donations are important! Your donations to our program help sustain and invest in our young musicians and community. Donations can be categorized into the following funds:

  • General Fund: Our general fund to help fund things like purchasing music, hiring extra ringers for concerts or more coaches for sectionals.
  • Scholarship Fund: Help talented young individuals fulfill their potential without financial burden.
  • Esoteric Instrument Fund: There are certain instruments in orchestral literature that appear enough to be ‘standard’ but not common enough for a young musician to invest in. This fund allows CPYO to purchase said esoteric instruments (such as the English Horn, Piccolo, Celeste, among many others) so that our young musicians have the opportunity to explore, learn, and appreciate these new instruments.
  • Tour Fund: Give students the opportunity to travel internationally and experience travel at its fullest.

Other ways to give


Have a small business? Advertise in our concert program! More info can be found on the Advertise page.

Corporate Matching

Every dollar counts! A donation may be small and simple to you but it makes a huge impact on the opportunities we can provide to our students. Donating through a corporate matching program stretches those dollars even further and makes a huge difference.

Please email for any assistance with contacting your employer for any corporate giving program.

Amazon Smile

Want to continually support our cause with as little work as possible? You can still support CPYO by shopping through and having CPYO designated as your organization of choice.